
Dr Mark Patterson
Mark qualified from Cambridge University in 1986 and then worked as an equine and small animal house physician at Bristol University Veterinary School.
After two years in mixed practice he returned to Langford as a Horserace Betting levy Board Scholar, to investigate the use of echocardiography in horses. He obtained his certificate in Small Animal Cardiology in 1988, and was amongst the first cardiologists to be awarded the Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology in 1991. He was awarded his PhD in 1993 and the certificate in Veterinary Radiology in 1995.
He has published widely, is the author of a book, Equine Cardiology, published by Blackwell Sciences and was section editor (cardiovascular diseases) in Current Therapy in Equine Medicine IV. He has been Chief examiner for the RCVS Certificates and Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology, and has spoken at conferences in UK, Europe and the USA.
“He is a frequent lecturer on courses in imaging and cardiology both at Vale Referrals and nationwide. Mark takes Cardiology referrals at Vale Referrals, and also runs an X-Ray and ECG report service.”

Dr. Jessica A. Kidd
RCVS and European Recognised Specialist in Equine Surgery Jessica Kidd has been involved in equine surgery for more than 20 years. She is an RCVS and European Recognised Specialist in Equine Surgery. She attended veterinary school at Purdue University in the States followed by two years in mixed practice in New England. After this she completed an internship at a referral racehorse hospital in Ocala, Florida and then returned to the UK to complete an equine surgery residency at the University of Bristol. This was followed by time as a surgery lecturer at the University of Glasgow’s veterinary school followed by holding the position of the University Equine Surgeon at the University of Cambridge. She then spent seven years in private practice as the surgeon at the Valley Equine Hospital in Lambourn, Berkshire which had a hospital population of racehorses, performance horses and pleasure horses and is currently an external surgical consultant to multiple practices. She has presented veterinary presentations at national and international meetings in over twenty countries, has taught numerous CPD courses for other veterinary surgeons on specialised equine subjects and was an examiner for the RCVS certificates six times.
She was the keynote speaker at both the New Zealand Equine Veterinary and the South African Veterinary Association Congresses in 2019. She holds the RCVS certificate in Equine Surgery (Orthopaedics), is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons, and is an RCVS and European recognised specialist in Equine Surgery. Her areas of interest are both soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, diagnostic imaging and investigation of lameness cases as well as neonatology and care of the pregnant mare. She is the chief editor of The Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography which is currently being prepared in a second edition and has contributed chapters to Auer’s “Equine Surgery” and “Equine Neck and Back Pathology”. She is a keen motorcyclist and one of the original members of the Horsepower CPD team which has already raised over £750,000 for charities to provide ongoing funding for both working equids and disabled children. Her spare time is spent running around after small twin boys and trying to keep the garden from over running the house.

Jeremy Kemp-Symonds
Dr Jeremy Kemp-Symonds, BA (Hons), BSc (Hons), MSc, BVMS, PGCHE, MRSB, AFHEA, FRSM, MRCVS Jeremy qualified from the University of Glasgow’s Veterinary School, but also holds degrees from the University of Birmingham, Nottingham Trent University and the Royal Veterinary College, London. After working at the world-renowned Animal Health Trust in Newmarket for a number of years, his private practice now concentrates entirely on the treatment of horses, ponies and donkeys with skin tumours and Jeremy works with numerous veterinary practices and equine charities throughout the United Kingdom.
Jeremy is a member of both the British Medical Laser Association (BMLA) and the European Laser Association (ELA); he is also a member of the Royal Society of Biology, an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Senior Visiting Fellow at Nottingham Trent University. In addition, he is a member of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA), the British Veterinary Association (BVA), is a Trustee (and was a former treasurer) for the BEVA Trust and is the Veterinary Consultant for the rescue and welfare charity Bransby Horses. Jeremy has contributed to a number of publications and books related to equine oncology and speaks about the subject widely in both the UK and overseas.

Neil Townsend
Neil qualified from Bristol University in 2004 and after a brief period in mixed practice embarked on an equine only career starting with an Equine internship at Liverpool University and surgical residency at the University of Edinburgh. He gained the RCVS Certificate in Equine Soft Tissue Surgery and an MSc by Research on post extraction tooth drift. He re-joined Liverpool University in 2010 as a surgery clinician, setting up an advanced dentistry service including standing CT.
He achieved a European Diploma in Equine Surgery in 2012 and Equine Dentistry in 2014. He joined private practice in the Midlands in 2015 where he provided both an in-house and peripatetic advanced dentistry and surgery service. In 2023 he setup his own private consultancy service providing advanced dentistry and surgery services to selected clinics in the UK. He is interested in all aspects of equine surgery and advanced dentistry and lectures nationally and internationally on these subjects. He became a Fellow of the RCVS in 2023.
Let's talk
24hr Emergency No: 01873 840 069
Llansabbath Barns, Llanellen, Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 9BY
T: 01873 840 069
Abbey Equine Chepstow
Ride and Stride, St Arvans, Chepstow. NP16 6DN
T: 01291 444877
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:30pm